Taraflex® Vinyl Sports Flooring

Every Gym wants its members to get the best out of their fitness classes, the functional training session, their core workout, but you especially want your members to come back for more, and more often.

The type of gym floor you choose for your facility is decisive in post exercise speed of recovery and key to how fast your members get it. If your members are sore and stiff from the previous days workout they'll often wait before coming back for more. People get fitter faster when they recover from the previous workout.

Taraflex® is the most widely specified sports surface in the world. Chosen by top international athletes for its unique construction and technical performance, it has been fitted at every Olympic Games since 1976. Taraflex® is an approved surface by many National and International governing bodies of sport.

Getting people fitter, protecting them, speeding their recovery and get them back for more is what Taraflex® sports floors have been doing over half a century. Those people are not just professional athletes, they are just about everybody from sports enthusiasts to people just wanting to unwind after a long day at work...

Taraflex® Sport M Performance

Taraflex® Sport M Comfort

Taraflex® Sport M Evolution

Taraflex® Multi Use 6.2

Ideal for:
Group exercise Areas
Gymnastics // Aerobics // Stretching // Functional Fitness, etc